Just before March 1st, the streets of Bulgaria are full of stands covered in red and white bracelets, pins, and dolls. Tradition is that you give these tokens to your friends on the holiday and wear them until the end of the month or if you see a stork or a blossom. After you take them off, you tie the ribbons to the tree with the blossom or you hide it under a rock. It is then supposed to bring you health and luck and all sorts of great things. Fantastic, huh?! Here is a link to an article about the holiday.
My awesome mom not only made bracelets this year, but she even made the authentic dolls (we have some Bulgarians that live in my hometown). Here is a picture.
I don't know about any one else, but I think this is a fantastic holiday. So next year if you are around me on March 1st, you'll probably end up with your own bracelet as a way to remember good ol' grandma March.
i taka eh! (and thats how it is)