1/2 Roll- Bounty paper towel
2 C. Warm water
2 Tbs. Baby soap
1 1/2 Tbs. Baby oil
Plastic Container with a lid
What you do:
Mix the warm water, soap, and oil in a plastic container. Prepare your paper towel 1 of two ways.
1- Cut the roll in half and take out the middle cardboard. Place the roll into your water, shut the lid, and flip the container upside down. Let it sit for 10 minutes. You're done. (Pro- super easy and fast. Con- sometimes you can loose the beginning of the next wipe)
2- Tear off every sheet from a roll of paper towel (It sounds like a lot of effort, but it is not). Cut the sheets into four squares. Place squares in the prepared water mixture, shut the lid, and flip the container upside down. Let rest 10 minutes. (Pro- each sheet is already at a perfect size and you never have to find the end of the roll. Con- this method does take a little more time.)
Note: After experimenting a little while, I have pretty much stuck with the second method. It just works better for the type of container I bought (CD Storage Container). Also, if the wipes at the bottom seem a little too wet, I just add a couple more wipes in and they soak up the extra water.
Here is a little breakdown of savings in making your own wipes.
$15.77 for 16 pack or 98 cents for a roll.
Each roll gives you roughly 208 wipes (using method #2 above). That is 208 wipes for about $1.00!
You do have to factor in the baby oil and soap, but you use so little that it doesn't change the figures much. They are not as large as regular wipes, but many diapers don't need a full-sized, regular wipe in my opinion.
In comparison, you can buy a pack of 528 Parent's Choice diapers for 9.97 at WalMart. They are not as soft and you can already tell how much you are saving.
Probably the only better option (which I am not dedicated to diapering enough to do yet) would be to make homemade cloth wipes and wash them with your cloth diapers. My amazing friend, Carlie, introduced me to this option along with cloth diapering. Someday...
Wow! I just wrote a novel on diaper wipes. Never thought that would happen. Hope you enjoy this. Signing off.